Products>>Energitics>>Owen Charge Performance Data


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Owen’s Energetics Technology Group recently developed and released multiple sizes of our HERO®PerFRAC consistent hole shaped charge product line, allowing us to provide you with the largest selection of hole size options in the industry for 2.750”, 3.125”, and 3.375” gun systems. HERO®PerFRAC is the latest generation HERO® charge specifically designed to improve the efficiency of fracturing operations in today’s unconventional reservoirs. HERO®PerFRAC charges produce consistent entry hole sizes, regardless of gun position, to allow fracture initiation to occur at the face of the borehole. Utilizing HERO® super deep penetrating technology enables fracture initiation along the perforation tunnel at intersecting natural fractures. HERO®PerFRAC charges have been tested to verify that entry hole size performance is not affected by hydrostatic pressure, and penetration performance has been verified in stressed natural rock, including shale.

Owen manufactures a variety of charges designed for specific applications such as: • HERO®HR - Super deep penetration in high compr essive str engths formations. • HERO®PerFRAC – Consistent hole sizes to minimize the ef fects of tortuosity . • SGH (Super Good Hole) - Combined performance and value .

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